Botox 101: What You Need to Know |

Botox 101

What you need to know before getting Botox |

The goal of this section about Botox on is to provide honest and well-researched information about this facial treatment for you to determine whether or not Botox is right for you.

It all started when my mom expressed interest in getting Botox injections for her wrinkles. When she told me this, I wanted to make sure she knew exactly what she was getting herself into. So, this section on Botox is the research I compiled about "botulinum toxin type A" to make sure this injectable would be a safe, effective (and not a waste of money) treatment for my mom.

Because there is an overwhelming amount of information about Botox, the following section is broken down into 6 parts:

After going through these 6 parts, you should end up with a pretty good idea of what to expect from Botox, what not to expect from Botox, how much to pay, what things you have to worry about, and more.

If you are interested in getting Botox but don't know much about it, yet feel a bit overwhelmed, this is just the place to start!

Last updated: November 15, 2012

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Part 1: What Can Botox Do for You