Keeping Cats Out of the Garden

University of Vermont Extension Department of Plant and Soil ScienceSpring, SummerNews Article KEEPING CATS OUT OF THE GARDEN By Dr. Leonard Perry, Extension ProfessorUniversity of Vermont Some people love cats. Others hate them. But whatever your feelingsabout felines, chances are you probably don't want them digging up yourgarden. So, what do you do?First, it helps if you can think like a cat. With the exception of afew plants, catnip being the main one, cats really aren't out to destroyyour beloved perennials or garden vegetables. What they really like isthe dirt. Most cats think the outdoors is their litter box, and a patchof dirt is an invitation to come do their business. It also makes a greatplace to play or roll.One way to keep your own cats from roaming into the neighbor's garden,is to make your space attractive to them. In an out of the way corner ofthe yard, plant a patch of catnip, the aphrodisiac of cats. Spread somesand for sleeping nearby. Or, if your feline companions prefer to keepyou company in the garden, leave a cat-sized play area in one part of thegarden. Make sure you plant or mulch the rest of the garden so your catshave no other place to roll and will stay in their designated area.If you don't want your neighbor's cats in your garden, you will needto take more drastic measures. Try spraying the intruder with a blast fromthe hose. Most cats will turn and run although some actually enjoy water,especially on a hot day. For them, you must try other tactics, like plantingrue. The blue foliage makes this an attractive garden accent, but catscan't stand the odor and will make a wide berth around the planting. Thornyroses also deter cats.Some gardeners use homemade remedies. Although I can't personally attestto the success of these methods, it won't hurt to try them. Sprinkle yourplants with crushed pepper. It will irritate cats and may even producea few extra pepper plants in the garden. Cayenne is also said to work thoughyou will need to reapply it after every rain. Or try ground-up grapefruitand lemon rinds. Or make a tea of rue, hot pepper liquid, or lemon juiceto spray on plants.Commercial products like predator urine and cat (and dog) repellentsalso are available at many garden centers. Or try to get rid of unwantedcat visitors with devices that use sound, light, and/or water to scarethem away. Another possibility is to lay down mats, which have soft upwardfacing points. It won't hurt you--or the cats--to walk on these, but mostcats don't like to step on them.If you have bird feeders near your garden, move them to a new locationor hang them higher than a cat can jump. Otherwise, cats may continue tovisit your garden in hopes of catching birds. Finally, remember that cats are not stupid creatures. They can be taught.Sometimes a stern "no" is all it takes to teach a cat to stay out of thegarden. But if all else fails, there's always cat behavior modification--betterknown as therapy--for your furry friend, and you!Return to Perry's PerennialPages, Articles