Baby Bath Time Safety Tips

Set everything you'll need within arm's reach -- soap, washcloth, towel, diaper, change of clothes -- before you start so that you can keep one hand on your baby at all times. When you're done bathing her, quickly wrap her up in the towel so she doesn't lose too much body heat. Dry her thoroughly, being sure to get into the creases, before you diaper and dress her. Also, don't forget to:

Empty the tub completely immediately after each use -- a baby can drown in as little as 1 inch of water.

Learn infant CPR. And never leave your baby alone in a bathtub or in the care of another child, even for half a minute.

Keep the toilet seat and bathroom doors closed after you leave.

Use a spout cover so she doesn't hit her head on the faucet.

Place a nonskid mat beneath your baby tub to prevent it from slipping.

Set your water heater to 120 degrees F so your baby won't get scalded if she accidentally turns on the faucet.