20 Mantras that Will Adjust Your Attitude (When You Can’t Adjust Anything Else)


  1. Boom! Another powerfully written article! I’m glad I found your blog and teachings last year and signed up for your emails. I’m now using many snippets from your articles and your book as morning affirmations. Your words tend to remind me of the lessons I know but so easily forget. And each time I read them I see another aspect of meaning in what they say. The mantras you’ve listed in this article will be added into the rotation starting tomorrow.

    And to answer one of your questions – what else do I try to keep in mind? I worry that I’m not good enough – it’s a constant pulse the aches in the back of my head. So I have to remind myself daily that I AM good enough. And I’m getting better at beating this negative thinking pattern, day by day.

  2. Thank you for giving me a new healthy coping mechanism. When my attitude about something I can’t change is driving me nuts, I do have the tendency to avoid it or bury it, sometimes with alcohol, just to forget and feel better for awhile. But this post really opened my eyes to what I’m doing.

    Anyway, thank you and please keep sending these insightful posts to me via email. They are slowly changing my thinking and attitude about everything.

  3. I’m kinda like Michelle above–it really helps to have positive reminders, which is why I have read and re-read your parts of book and many of your articles several times over the past year. Doing so has helped me stay on the right path.

    Also, one of the key things I’ve been working on recently is to stop my negativity is the self-inquiry process you covering with me via your Getting Happy course. This process combined with regular reminders have been the source of my inner growth.

    Anyway, I just wanted to leave a comment to say thank you. Keep up the good work. You’re changing a life over here.

  4. Thanks to you for finding my first step. I did not know where to begin,
    But at 60 now my life has to move forward to happiness and begin a new turn. I need to take care of me. I am tired, I am worn, I am exhausted, I am unhappy and need to live each day to its fullest.
    I start tomorrow.
    Thank you

  5. Recently, I experienced and I’m continuing to experience perhaps the worst conflict I have encountered in my professional life. For weeks, the situation has gone unresolved (and the resolution is really out of my control), and one day I stopped to take stock and realize that I had gained weight, was fatigued like at no other time in my life, and that my family and my relationships were suffering, as was my productivity and all other areas of my work life. I finally decided that the only thing I could control was how I respond to the situation. So I put into practice numbers three and five from above. I found that not only have I been able to achieve a modicum of peace, but that has also had a ripple affect on my team. Thank you for this great post.

  6. I completely agree with Michelle’s comments. Your blogs and emails resonate with me very much and I find them to be very inspirational. I like the simplicity of the mantras, it makes them all that much more meaningful. I often find that whatever topic your email addresses, it coincides with things that I am struggling with or find useful to be reminded of. So thank you for creating your blog and for sharing the knowledge that is helping me get through a very difficult time.

  7. Thanks so much,your articles have made me a better person.I now can see using my mind.keep up the good work.the world will be a better place if a lot of people read these articles.lam even happy to share them with family and friends.

  8. Thank you for this timely message. I’ve been holding my glass of water too long! I need to let go of it today.

  9. Thank for such a life changing or attitude changing tips while I was reading I felt it is written for me .Thank you

  10. I am so pleased I came across your blog etc. I must get the book but in the meantime your snippets of wisdom so keep me focused. Thank you x

  11. Sitting with and processing uncomfortable thoughts/emotions then moving forward instead of reaching for a glass of wine or box of cookies was very powerful words for me to read this morning. Process, keep One’s peace and move on. Thank you.

  12. This articles are tremendous impact of one’s life if he/she really intends to change their inner growth and help us to keep in the right path.

  13. I have had a difficult past. I have been through things some awful stuff. I moved to another state so my past would stop haunting me. While I was gone I felt like I could finally live in peace. Unfortunately I went through a financial struggle. Something happened beyond my control. I didnt want to move back home..because I was so afraid of remembering my horrible ….painful past. Well, my fiance talked me into coming home. He said he would even come to my hometown with me.
    Since I have been home my past has haunted me again. I hate being here. I cam doing everything I can to move back out of town with my fiance and our son. But meanwhile as I plan and execute my goals…I have tried stay focused and motivated….I have to ignore the hurt and pain of being here….. …but as I try to move forward mentally…my dad whom comes in and out of my life…keeps bringing up my past! I have asked him to please stop…he stopped for a little while and then he brings it up AGAIN. Honestly because of that….secretly I HATE talking to him…i plan to use those mantras as I plan on leaving AGAIN.

    • Your emails are so very awesome. I am going thru a separation with my wife . I have spent so much of our marriage trying to make things right for her . Feeling like I never could achieve ” atta boy ” when in reality it’s not my job to make her happy as “Mr fixer , uh that’s me ” can only fix himself and I’m really working on throwing out the tapes that play in my head about how it’s all my fault. I have been inviting her out on the dance floor with no luck . The band still plays and therapy says ” quit chasing stand still create a vacuum .
      I needed today’s email with the Mantras which hit me dead on . I have no choice as to take them and live by that mindset .
      Thanks again , you guy’s are God sent.

      • Kudos to you for trying Steve, but in the end, you only live once! I hope you find another to test your dancing skills

  14. When I remember, I’m helped by what I call “the 4 O’s”:
    When I’m tempted to be OFFENDED by something I or another has done, I try to OBSERVE it without judging – Hmm, what was going on to create that response? Then I OFFER what I see back to God and OBEY in what I feel I want to do differently.
    Very helpful when I’m mindful enough to use it!

  15. Mind blowing!! Your articles are magical! Lucky to have found your blog. Most times we aim for the sky but forget those tiny little things on the ground which actually is our true happiness. Your article s are a constant reminder of those easily forgotten moments.
    I am actually saving all your article’s to pass it on to my next generation! Keep continuing! Best wishes.

  16. The world is your mirror
    Thats what I remind myself always

    When a tough situation comes up..& when I begin to think negatively about myself, first I accept it as it is, that this negative feeling called (blame) comes from a good place actually…a place that wants me to be the best possible in everything I do, then tell myself (I am Good) (I am OK) (the fact that I have self-blame means that I am AWARE) & that in enough itself is GREAT

    Then that feel of blame converts to a peaceful one…a peace that allows me to see the things as it is, & from that to take actions accordingly as it is too (WITHOUT any judgement in the process)

    The root of self-blame is that we set expectations for ourselves, & when we or life disappoint those expectations we tend to be sad & feel miserable

    We are BEYOND any expectations or any definitions set by others or ourselves…we must realize that we are what we are, & when we fully digest that meaning…we set ourselves free

    Thank you Marc and Angel
    You are blessing in my life

  17. wow holding the glass is light until you hold it for a long time, that really spoke volumes to me, i have held onto things for too long, and offenses too that have robbed me of peace, again you guys so timely its like have you got links to my brain haha my mind ruled me this weekend and i had a horrid time because of something someone said, but i learnt today that really i am often misunderstood and isn,t that often the case for most of us then we get an offense/grudge, most times i ignore insensitive remarks but this weekend i just couldn,t but i will remember the glass example and move on and learn and remember to give myself and othets some grace
    thankyou for sharing valuable advice love Jacqueline xxx

  18. Goodmorning Marc and Angel!

    Thank you so much for sharing all this wisdom with us! I recently signed in on your course ‘ Getting back to happy ‘ and it is amazing!! It really works! The actions you suggest are realistic and helpful. It is always hard to bridge the knowing – doing gap and now I finally start acting!! Also the way you learn us how to think and refocus on a situation is really mindblowing. Even this morning I faced a setback and instead of going of in an negative spin and start complaining, I managed to sit back, breathe and say to myself: how will this negative attitude bring me closer to a solution? Will I feel better lashing out? No! Quite the opposite, I would feel a lot worse and I would not even have come one step closer to a solution. This has only become possible thanks to your course. I have started the meditation as you, Angel, taught in the video and it is hard work and it does not always go the way I would like it to go but I am learning and working every day to become better at it. The daily rituals and the setting of smaller goals to ultimately achieve the bigger goals are really helping me forward. I also write in my journal every evening to remind me of the happy moments of the day! So again: thank you, I am a big fan and I am looking forward to still learning a lot from you!!!
    Have a very nice day!!!

  19. A very encouraging article. I am struggling with divorce and all of the fears associated with it. I’ve made mistakes that I regret and have a hard time forgiving myself. I cannot change the inevitability of the loss of the marriage but I am trying to forgive myself and realize it takes two to make and break things.

    I pray for the strength to get through it and articles of this nature offer encouragement, thank you.

  20. Marc and Angel, thanks very much for this guidance. I’m going thru though times and your words have been helping me so much.

  21. Love the glass of water analogy. It is the perfect metaphor for the things that drag us down in life. At first, they seem easy to handle and maintain but let them linger around long enough and they will beat you into submission.

    No matter the time, the methods of coping you have laid out will be a great help to so many, myself included.

  22. Thank you Marc and Angel. I hadn’t visited your site in a while as I’d been very busy. Then, this morning I could feel uneasiness and anxiety creeping in; I’d had a vivid dream where I saw my husband and it was such a beautiful moment. He left me last August…just got up and left. We’d had problems in the past (due to his issues- he was suffering from PTSD because of things that happened in his childhood) . The day before he ended things, we’d gone out for dinner and romantic walk. Everything was wonderful. Then, he had an argument with the kids and I got drawn in. That was it. He decided everything was over. He refuses to talk or even answer my texts. I was so hurt, I just become numb. I’ve been married for 16 years and been his rock. It will be one year in around 2 weeks since he just decided to give up on me and the kids. I’ve been thinking of giving up and resigning myself to the fact that it’s over. Having that dream really disturbed me. I try not to think about him too much…it’s like the glass…it becomes too heavy to bear. It is so hard not to have closure. He told my daughter he loves me a few weeks ago. I text him after that, but he ignored me. I’m tired of all this. He hasn’t divorced me. Howver, I’m married but not married. I can’t think of marrying or meeting someone else because I sell love him. I’ve tried to stop loving him. I’ve tried to think of the terrible things he has done. My heart still remains open and full of love. The last few weeks I’ve been pushing myself to let it go and accept my reality: he will never return. I tried to picture a happier future without him even though my heart feels so sad and pained. And then I had a dream which seemed so real. It’s left me feeling unsettled. I’m struggling to accept the end despite trying so much. I’m normally someone who looks for lessons in everything and try to turn a negative situation on its head. I’m a person of faith and that has helped me through some dark times. I’m productive at work (I’m a teacher), reliable and do a great job as a single mum. Looking from the outside no one will know the pain I carry or how deeply this rejection has affected me…I know though. I just don’t understand how to move on. I read the article and so much hits home. It’ll provide me with relief…for a while. It will be a balm to my wounds…for a while. Nothing seems to heal me though. I’ve tried so hard.