10 Choices You Will Regret in 10 Years


  1. I tend to wait until tomorrow…always working today and waiting until tomorrow to enjoy life. Realizing one day that you are 40 and haven’t lived for yourself yet doesn’t feel good.

  2. Number 1, 2… with number 4… Sometimes people say that I am being selfish when actually I’m very tired of living another person’s dreams.

  3. Angel, I’d like to share the most important part of your post in this comment. What a dilemma! There is no most important part; it’s all equally important!

    Thank you for your positive thoughts. You have built a community based on optimistic living. You show how to build a better life by sharing how you live yours. I appreciate it.

  4. I was into few of the things you’ve written about here. Thanks for enlightening me… I’ll take care not to repeat these mistakes again.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Number One – Wearing a Mask to Impress Others, really hits home. How many of us are people pleasers? I certainly tried to be. Instead of being myself and showing the world who I really am I hoarded my true thoughts and feelings, just as I hoarded my possessions.

    No wonder I became gravely ill with fibromyalgia. No one knew who I really was and, at times, neither did I. Life is too short to hide. It’s time to live and enjoy who you are. True friends will appreciate you and love you for who you really are rather than the false face you have masked yourself in. If they prefer that, no doubt they are hiding who they are too.

  6. Wonderful! This post actually got me out of bed. I planned to go out today to take some photos, but woke up feeling so tired and thought ‘what’s the point of doing anything today?’ Well, life is short, isn’t it, so I might as well live it Thanks!

  7. Thank you for this. #1 hit me hard enough to inspire a blog post of my own: countingmyspoons.com/2014/05/sunday-inspiration-true/
    I often feel like I’m wearing a mask, not so much to impress others, but just to keep them comfortable.

  8. This is an extraordinary article. Just what I needed at the perfect time!

    Happy to subscribe. Thanks Marc and Angel.

  9. Unfortunately I learned many of these after my 20s. Now I get to spend my 30s making better decisions. Maybe I’ll have everything figured out by 40. Ha! I’ll be sharing this link. -Thomas

  10. I disagree with the statement that one owes the world something. None of us asked to be born; we are simply here. Our parents chose to bring us into the world, and being in this world is no easy thing, so they owed us a healthy upbringing to equip us to live here with a decent shot at happiness and health. Some of us got that, some of us didn’t. The world doesn’t give us anything, so why do we owe it anything in return?

    That being said, I think we deserve to be the kind of people who make a positive difference. There’s no joy in the thought of being born, eating and sleeping and working with no sense of purpose, and dying as if we had never lived. There is, however, tremendous joy in the thought that countless lives extending out into infinity may be affected in countless ways, seen and unseen, by the domino effect from wise, kind choices we make today. It’s not so much that we owe the world anything, but that being of service to it gives us a future beyond our own short life spans. Our choices matter, and in that sense, so do we, for all time.