10 Things To Stop Caring About Today


  1. Man, I need to try and make these stick!!! Such good advice, but only useful if you put it to action though. I intend to. Thank you.

  2. I just love your website. I go on it whenever I’m super bummed out and need some inspiration. And whenever I see a new post, it makes me ridiculously happy. Your posts are amazing, keep writing

  3. Wonderful!

    I’m always inspired by each and every article you write, the kind of words that are really missing these days… and deserve to be appreciated.

    Thank You for sharing with us.

  4. Great List, Marc!

    ‘Stop caring about what everyone else wants for you’ is still a challenge for me. In many cases I like to please people, because I like to see people happy, sometimes I forget that I need to happy too.

    But I know this is problem, so also this will pass.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5. I’ve recently tried being oblivious to my surroundings, and was quite happy. Unfortunately, I was clueless to the boundaries of my obliviousness and came back to my old self. But this article is spot on! Now, I’ll know what not to care about.
    Thanks for the bits of wisdom that you share to the world, Marc and Angel.

  6. Remarkably spot on at every level Marc – another masterpiece, how do you do this?
    It’s quite correct to observe how much we care about what others, society, friends, workmates and bosses, family, and the world thinks of us and who we are. Perhaps the real caring we should do is for what we feel, need, want, and dream of. That’s special caring designed to be productive every time don’t you think?

  7. I totally love your posts! So inspiring and uplifting, thank you for dedicating a part of your life to inspiring others, it is very appreciated and needed.

  8. Thank you for the wonderful reminders.

    I especially liked your observation that “In life, it’s rarely about getting a chance; it’s about taking a chance.”

    As a society, we’re obsessed with success events rather than the success process. Sometimes we think of people like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Michael Jordan as lucky or fortunate. We think that, because of the law of statistics, there are bound to be people who accomplish amazing things.

    But we forget about the success process that led to the success event– the countless hours spent perfecting their craft. It’s the process that placed them in a position for the event.

    If you focus on the success process, the success event will occur in due time. If you keep swinging, you’ll eventually get one hit– and one hit is often all it takes. There’s nothing wrong with being a one-hit wonder if it’s a really big hit!

    When I wrote my first book, I was rejected countless times by agents and publishers. It was so discouraging that I almost gave up! When a publisher finally decided to pick up my manuscript, I finally realized that one hit makes up for a thousand misses. If you keep that in mind, there’s always hope, and there’s always a dream to pursue.

    Thanks again for sharing!

  9. Great advice! As Patrice stated above, they are only useful if put to action. I plan on putting these to action immediately! I’m new to your site, so I look forward to reading more inspirational posts like this

  10. I saw this earlier this morning and took the time to bookmark it so I could come back to it later. I’m glad I came back to read it!

    As I read through the posts I noticed I could relate to several of them. Some, I am doing a good job of doing already, while others is doing work on.

    I tried long time ago not to care about what others think of the way I look. Though I do tend to care a little too much about what people think of me. These are only a couple of examples.

    Thanks for sharing this great post!

  11. awesome….completely agree…i am already trying to live that way, i just lack the art of eloquently explaining it! thanks for sharing…reposted on facebook!

  12. Your words are what get me started every week. Thank You for being so generous with your thoughts. You are wise way beyond your years.

  13. If I only managed to apply this one: Stop caring about things you can’t control, I would certainly be 10 times happier.

    Thank you, Marc.

  14. About three years ago I stopped letting my family and friends tell me what I should and should not be doing for a career. I got away from the health care profession and began doing what I really love which is writing. I don’t make near the money I did as a nurse but I’m having so much fun doing what I love. I recommend it for everyone.

  15. There is such wisdom in your article. Your message is very clear, compelling and easy to understand. Thanks for sharing your views with the world.

  16. i heard your quote from Steve Jobs today on the radio here in the uk and i thought, i’d love to have that in writing. Then, read your website tonite by chance and there it is! That is the most important quote i will ever read in my life! If I had lived my life by that wisdom in my 20s i’d have got to where i am quicker! But never too late! Thanks for your great list!

  17. This is good, Marc.

    I’m a teacher by trade and teach a couple classes of advanced kids. They are seniors and on the cusp of adulthood. But I can’t tell you how many of them are stressed out of their gourds because they are pursuing their parents passion for them, not their own. So many are on track to become doctors and pharmacists, but don’t like biology or chemistry. They want to be artists and fashion designers, architects and teachers. And yet their parents push them harder and harder to go out and make as much money as possible. Many of them come back to visit me over the years to update me on their lives. I’ve found those who continued on the track their parents put them are not usually happy. Those who risked parental disapproval and took their own lives in their own hands and moved to the rhythm of their own hearts were so much happier.

    Important post, Marc!

  18. Thanks for the great points…

    Many people have a hard time being themselves because they have a memory attached to their past therefore they live in a state of fear constantly..

    Your comment about how to stop being perfect reminds me of the movie “Fight Club” when Brad Pitt has a dinner conversation with Edward Norton about how we need to stop being perfect in…That movie had a great message about how to live your life purpose and stop caring..

    Thanks for sharing:))


  19. Great post! These are all principles that I’ve been working to integrate into my life for some time now, but your post has served me well in stirring up the embers of my fire. Thanks for the boost!

  20. This is great advice. I tend to care too much about what other people think and I hate making mistakes! Thanks for the reminder that obsessing about these things isn’t helping me and is actually counterproductive.

  21. Excellent post- The section about opinions of others stood out to me as the the most important. I’ve always felt that people are much too focused on the opinions of others. Living your life based on the influences and opinions of others is a horrible way to live life, a way that will only lead to decreased happiness in life.

  22. your posts never fail to amaze me. your words just speak to me in times when i feel like throwing in the towel.

    keep on writing please. you just don’t know how many lives out there you have touched!

  23. This is basically exactly how I feel about life! I think, honestly, if everyone did this the world would be a MUCH better, happier place. So thank you for verbalizing exactly how I feel about life (well, this aspect of it)- as much as I believe in this it’s sometimes difficult to remember/follow. I think having this to come back to and read will help me remember I’m not the only one trying to be my own self in the world.

    Thanks thanks thanks!!!

  24. You seem to have a good outlook on life, and have given me something to think about in life’s journey. I appreciate the books that you linked through amazon in the article as well. They seem to look very professionally sound, and hopefully could make things a little more clearer for myself. I appreciate your opinion very much.

  25. I really want to thank you for this very wise and well written advice. I couldn’t agree more and I am usually good at giving this advise, but fallowing through on it is and has been a major challenge for me these days. My biggest problems are I cant help but care about people, what they feel/think. Its one of my biggest passions in life and a huge driving force. And although I agree with everything you said, I dont think that is my problem or obstacle right now. Its the giant stubborn as a bull mountain that never wants to move, grow…or change and all its negativity, that echoes VERY LOUDLY through the entire valley. There is no escape! This article and everybody’s uplifting comments…THAT feeds me the fuel I need to get over the mountain and still be strong enough to continue once I have.
    Thank You EVERYONE…can you feel the love?
    OH…YES…I sure can, this is the positive and the influence I need to keep breathing…and pushing ahead…for the better.

  26. What a great article here. So many people worry about what others think about them. They are always concerned with how others are going to judge them. If you are only concerned with what makes you happy that is all that matters.