10 Things To Stop Caring About Today


  1. This is a fantastic post. I love how you so appropriately used Steve Jobs’ quote… in fact, I love how you integrate quotes all over your posts. I’ve been copying and pasting like mad every time I see them!

    Also, thanks for the permission to wear what I want I’m currently wearing leggings, an oversized men’s flannel shirt, and pink fuzzy slippers. Your post made me laugh when I read that part and then looked down and saw myself…

    Thanks again for a great post!

  2. Your blog is absolutely amazing! It’s so easy to have a bad attitude and these posts truly help keep my thoughts and, therefore, my day POSITIVE! Keep up the great work!

  3. This article describes the default states of myself… I have enough of the boundaries and want to start to live now! Thanks for the wake up

  4. This is my first time reading your wonderful blog, and I’m so so happy I found it. Thanks so much for sharing this.

  5. This is such an inspirational post. I want to print this off and put in on my front door where I will see it everyday when I leave in the morning!

  6. Great range of ideas and posts. Inspirational is a cliche but perfectly suitable to your terrific website. It’s given me a much needed booster – I can’t wait to walk into my dreary office with a cheery hello. No longer weary, I’m ready to go.
    Thanks, keep it going. I am passing it on to others.

  7. Excellent advice—just hard to follow through on, sometimes. But, every day is a new day for striving!

  8. I discovered this blog after a day when I was moping and very down on life. It jolted me out of feeling sorry for myself. Thanks for reminding me that I’m lucky to be alive, employed, and surrounded by people I love.

  9. I love your site. It is so positivite. Sometimes it seems as if only negativity gets attention. You should consider creating an app like Zen Habits.

  10. That was really wonderful Marc and Angel. Very nice, informative, and inspirational.

  11. Truly inspiring…..
    Thanks for mind refreshing and motivating words. Every single person needs inspiration at every moment of life. lets start with a new hope …..

  12. I swear, it was like you were talking to me directly in this post. I could hear you saying, “Annie, time to stop being a perfectionist,” “Annie, you don’t need to be right all the time,” “Annie, don’t be afraid to make mistakes.” This is a post everyone needs to read!

    Also, I love your blog as a whole. Just saying.

  13. I love this advice…. always comforting and empowering, personally….. unfortunately, anyone who has worked in public education realizes that some of this does not apply directly to work.

  14. This is absolutely the most well written, true to life article I have ever read. Excellent.

  15. This was one of the best inspiring posts about how to change my life today. I’m going to try to pick a few of these points listed above and try and implement them.

  16. I loved this article!
    I can recognize myself so much in it – the need to be right, to not make mistakes, to be perfect!

    In the past few weeks I’ve had quite a few set-backs, but through meditation and reading articles like this I feel like I’m making progress on not getting too caught-up in the frustration like I used to.


  17. Marc, you articulate these points so well. Thank you for these invaluable tips.

  18. One of the big takeaways for me is to stop caring about what other’s think, or the social pressure for us to conform.

    It’s tough, because we’re hardwired to want to belong to a tribe, so when we step out of our box, it’s extremely uncomfortable.

    But life is easier when you do what you feel like doing. You have to be willing to following your heart, because if you don’t, you’ll just end up regretting it.

    While getting the temporary approval of others feels nice, it won’t last, and they’ll find more things to disapprove of.

  19. I have already stopped caring about most things listed above years ago… but this is a great article to remind me why.
