12 Things Happy People Do Differently


  1. Thank you for sharing that information with a nice touch of humor!! Enjoyed your article. Will check out your site.

  2. This is a great post and loved all of the introspective tips provided. I also liked the book. I also just finished reading Unchain The Pain by Bob Livingstone. The book (a nightstand go to) gave me the tools I needed to be less agitated, more aware and simply happy. Thanks for the GREAT tips!

  3. Hey ladies and gentleman

    Firstly, i wanna thank ALL of you for the incredible feedback. Seeing your comments and watching this article spread like wildfire (to over 100,000 FB shares) let’s me know i’m living on purpose.

    Secondly, i want you to know that there are actionable which you can apply to each of the 12 things. All of the above means nothing if we don’t find ways to apply this wisdom on a regular basis.

    You can see specific steps for applying the 12 things in this sweetly formatted PDF i put together: http://www.sensophy.com/12things

    Enjoy and if you have any questions or just wanna chat, feel free to email me or call my cell. Jacob At Sensophy Dot Com. 347 – 398 – 2814.

  4. That’s so funny, I too interpreted it as “compare yourself to a an older version of yourself” which really was a “hook” point for me. Though I loved all the “hooks”in your article, comparing myself to what I would want to be as I aged was just enough of an excellent challenge to take my mind off of all the silliness of camparing myself to my peers.
    I started focusing on being strong, healthy, open minded, flexible, wise, smart….all the traits I want to evolve into . This is probably what I shouldn’t do, but I started looking at older people I admired for some reason or another!

  5. I would like to add, don’t be a victim to yourself or others. Being “too nice” can really bring you down and lose self-worth. I used to be a doormat, constantly being available and kind to people who didn’t reciprocate. Becoming fair to myself through becoming more assertive has made my life a lot more fulfilling and it’s a lot less repressive.

  6. “Savoring life’s joys” is one of the things that has kept me happy for so long! It’s like seeing the world from the mind of your inner child: all is new, and all is exciting.

    Looking wide-eyed at something new isn’t bad or embarrassing, it’s enjoyable!

    Loved this list, I’ve learned from it (and I’ll put it into practice), and I hope other people will, too.


  7. I have been reading the articles on your website for awhile now. I just wanted to thank you. They are really inspirational, and I read them anytime I feel low. I went through a very hard time in my life and I did not handle it as well as I could have. Anytime I feel myself straying off the path of happiness, I come here. I have shared it with those I love as well, hoping it helps them just as much.

  8. Thanks for sharing these. I believe life has a purpose and humans of goodwill are somehow connected. I experience growth and realize that we need lots of inspiration through such sharing in order to succeed at our work and also aid others in their desires to overcome challenges in life. Many thanks again.

  9. This is awesome! I plan on printing this out and keeping it in multiple places as I am committed to being positive and happy with everything that I do in my life. Thanks for this Marc! I am personally going to redistribute this as much as I possibly can!

  10. I think #11 should just be to realize that the world is bigger than “just you”. Other than that, this is a fantastic article.

  11. 8 & 9 are the reasons my life is slowing down for the better while the rest of the world exclaims “HOW TIME FLIES!” Thank you for your wonderful blog.

  12. As a response to Troglodyke and those who agreed with her, I think that part of being a “spiritual” person is thinking about the big issues in yourself and in the world. Most of the atheists that I know call themselves atheists not because they just don’t care or that they are against the good qualities that churches (hopefully) promote, but because they have thought about the subject and have come to a different conclusion than those who belong to an organized religion. I respect that choice and agree with many of their conclusions, in spite of the fact that I attend church. I started going when my children were small because I felt that it was a part of their cultural education as well as a way to “fit in,” but when they were old enough to ask questions I was honest about my reservations on the subject. They now choose what they want to do with that upbringing (which is generally to not belong to an organized church), but they have the knowledge to make that decision, as well as comfort in a church setting, which we all have contact with, even if just for weddings and funerals. Not surprisingly, the church I belong to is a place where I feel comfortable talking to the ministers about anything and know that they will not have a knee-jerk reaction to any doubts that I have. One of the main benefits of belonging to a church is the sense of community and belonging it bestows. Studies have shown that people feel more accepted for their flaws (being overweight has been specifically looked at) in a church.

    Unfortunately, there seem to be a large and vocal group of church-goers invading the political arena who want to tell everyone else what they have to believe and do and I think their influence on society is negative. If you actually read the Bible you will find that the Christ came to replace all that came before him, not to promote intolerance and prejudice. Intolerance is not acceptable to me, whether it is based on moral, religious, or personal grounds and any person whose beliefs do not actually infringe on the rights of others is free to believe what they want with my best wishes.

    I enjoyed the article and the discussion – very refreshing to read a civil and reasoned discussion online.

  13. A couple of comments:
    10 . Commit to your goals:
    there is a danger that you become a perfectionist and you may then never be satisfied with the goal which becomes a moving target.
    Sometimes good enough is … perfect

    There is a suggestion from Prof Tal Ben Shahar which goes like this: every evening, think about 5 good things that happened to you during the day.
    Even better, and that’s what I do, share it with your family members over dinner.

  14. A lot of these are really good tips, but I’d like to add one. For me what really worked was allowing myself to feel bad. I think we are put under so much pressure in our society to be perfect, not only in what we achieve but also in how we feel. So for me what really worked was giving myself permission to feel like crap some days, to admit that and to not feel like I have to be invincible or pretend that I am.
    I also find it helps to focus on process rather than results – so when applying for a job I gave myself credit for the applications I wrote and firms I researched, instead of focusing on the fact that I hadn’t actually had any interviews. When I looked over all the effort I had made, it was easier to think “the next one’s mine” and keep going.

  15. Wow, I’ve been looking for a way to feel better from my trapped mind and this has helped me sooo much. Thank you for posting this. I know this can help sooo many people.

  16. Great article. Just be smart and open about how you apply #10 regarding goals. Sometimes we just need to let things happen. Acceptance and being mindful is something that compliments what you stated here.

  17. Wonderful! I have had depression most my life, but coping with it in ways like this, For me I had to start loving things I do doing things I love like painting, and now I take fish oil and oilive oil on foods, Its amazing I can always cope now, I wanted to share that omegas have changed my life, and after I started taking better care of that It seems I find it fun to try a little harder to do better on the rest, Its changed my life, wanted to share hoping someone else can see if it helps them, <3 and peace,

  18. This is what I needed to read right now,
    I’ve been very sad and troubled… And then, suddenly I felt I need to pull myself back and start things over.
    Thank you so much!

  19. Thank you Jacob for this incredible list! And thank you Marc for posting it here!

    I came to your blog after having yet another terrible fight with my boyfriend. I am going through some very tough times but I didn’t want to just passively accept the pitfalls of life again. This list really helped me regain a perspective on life. It reminded me I have control over my happiness, no matter what life decides to throw at me.

    Not subjecting to social comparison was especially pertinent to me. In a digital age where Facebook and instagram pervades so many of our lives, sometimes we focus too much on what others have and forget to be grateful for what we do have.

    To those who are hurting in relationships, “never insist yourself to someone who consistently overlooks your worth.” (A memorable quote from another great article on this blog.) It’s hard but sometimes letting go is the right thing to do. This is what I am striving to work on – learning to let go.

    Once again, thank you for the great article. Will definitely share this with loved ones!

  20. I love the article, but one thing stood out to and for me. It was the use of the “Kanye West” comment. No less in a subject regarding avoiding comparisons. I was wondering if you personally know Kanye West or if you are using his persona as a way to create a laugh response? Or was the comment made in judgement on the way you see him? I was just curious. I like the bullet points! I like to add to that avoiding criticism and judgment of others. I think when I do that, I am not judging them I am appearing as one who thinks he can judge. That my friend, I am in no position to do! Have a beautiful day!