50 Questions That Will Free Your Mind


  1. These are awesome questions! I think I am going to add a few, and send it to my Coaching clients to have them explore on their own, and then pick a few that they don’t like the answer to and then work on those areas.

  2. ’34. Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you just had the best conversation ever?’

    Can I add ‘could of ‘ to this…….?

    Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, and walked away feeling like you could of just had the best conversation ever?


  3. Really awesome questions. They actually surprised me. I didn’t expect that. Thank you for making me think, but most of all for reminding me of my happy memories.

  4. “When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?” That’s mind blowing… Thank you for making me pause and reflect! Some of these questions can be life-changing.

  5. I stumbled upon this while searching for “brain fuel” in my English class. These questions stop and make you think, which is what I liked best about them. They are simple questions that I would normally overlook. But today was a great day to find your post. On those days where all you want to do is sleep and forget the world, it is important to ask questions such as these. They make you feel better and motivate you to be your best. Thank you for fueling my brain.

  6. Hi I am from Australia and I would just like to say you guys are a real inspiration . When I get up for work I use to eat my cereal and look at the internet before going to work always looking at the latest news from around the world. But now I read articles you have written and it has made a big difference to me . There is too many bad things going on in the world so it is not good to fill your head with it at the start of each day. Your articles create positivity and joy. Thank you

  7. I’ve had a lot of questions on my mind lately, and didn’t really know what to do with them. So many big decisions have to be made in my life right now, and the support of my best friend would come very helpful. After reading all these question, and came across #41, I busted out in tears. can’t remember the last time i let my emotions go like that, but it was more the thought of: “would i mean as much to him as he does to me?” planning on asking him this question in the nearby future, just need to know if this friendship is still worth fighting for after all that has been done.

    Thanks so much for this list, it really really helped me get a better vision on everything!
    Greetings from Holland.

  8. #28 asks if your worst fear has come true. Just a thought on that. If the answer to that is yes for you, why are you still afraid of it?

  9. I just came across this site while doing my LIB 214 assignment. I think this site is a light in the dark. And I can not leave without saying thanks. Thank you again. Thank you so very much.

  10. There were few questions that I could not really answer as direct as I have been trying. But all of the questions were good stuff to ponder every day. Question numbers 26, 27, and 38 touched my very bones. Thank you MARC, take good care of your hands.

  11. I receive almost daily emails from you and everyone of them inspires me. I have shared your wisdom words with my dear friends and each time they ask me ” where did you find that quote” or often ” wow I needed that right now” . I thank you both so very much as do my friends. X

  12. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about living life by design and not default. It’s really true about that last one – if you are not making the decisions for yourself in life, then someone else is. Obviously making your own decisions is going to lead to more happiness and fulfillment!

  13. I really enjoyed this post! I recently posted something similar on my blog as I felt the same need to pause and ask some soul searching questions. It has changed my life

  14. Amazing. I looked at myself and learned so much. I shared this site with all my friends and they love it. Thank you.

  15. #49 is big! If you won’t remember what you did today 5 years from now then you may have a problem. Excluding days of relaxation, try to better yourself everyday! At the end of the day, write down the date and a summary of what you have done that truly adds value to your life. Wake up better than the day before!