Black Hair 101 » Blog Archive » Black Tea Rinse and Rosemary For Darker Hair Color

There are many versions of this recipe and I have tried them all. Before I knew that black hair rinse was good for premature grayness I knew that it was excellent for shedding. Which makes this recipe an excellent alternative to premature grayness and shedding.

Black tea will temporarily darken your hair (whatever your starting color) and added with rosemary you will love the effects.


3 heaping tablespoons of loose black tea leaves

1 heaping tablespoon of rosemary leaves

4 cups boiling water



1. Steep black tea leaves and rosemary in boiling water for approximately 45 minutes.

2. Shampoo your hair with a mild shampoo (no sodium lauryl sulphate) and rinse once.

3. Pour the black tea and rosemary mixture over your hair.

4. Leave the final rinse of black tea on your hair for 30 minutes bunched up under a plastic cap, then rinse with lukewarm water.

5. Style as usual.